
What people are saying about Living Legacy Bible Foundation.

    Thank you for giving a legacy gift!

"What a wonderful way to minister and spread God’s word!"  Camden

"I have given Living Legacy Bible for several years in memory of loved ones. It feels good knowing that people has received one in their names." Darlene

"What a wonderful way to spread the Word. God bless you!" Linda

"Love this gem of yours my dear friend. Blessings to you and yours."  Anonymous

"We have given over a dozen Legacy Bibles and will continue to do so every time we can." William

"Excellent!  I have not given a Bible through Living Legacy before."  Shelly

"Terrific. I never knew about this organization.  We have supported others before, but now I have information for yours to pass to the members of our faith community."  Captain

"Our family asked people to give Legacy Bibles instead of sending flowers.  It is a way of giving something that will last their whole life." Jim

"Sometimes those of us who have several bibles forget that so many don’t even have one.  Your story of Lucille only having one Bible to be found when she moved on to Heaven made me smile at her sweetness. " Anonymous

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